Strike Debt!

Is Strike Debt still active?

Strike Debt is a decentralized network of debt resisters, including activists, artists, and organizers. Started in New York City in 2012, Strike Debt has achieved much since its origin: the creation of anti-debt organizations around the US, the writing and publication of The Debt Resisters’ Operations Manual, and the material support and organizational base for the Rolling Jubilee and the Debt Collective.

While Strike Debt New York is currently inactive, groups in other cities are active and welcoming new members. Strike Debt Portland is collaborating with the Debt Collective, hosting Debtors’ Assemblies, protests, speakers and other events in the Portland area, and wants to connect with debtors who are interested in debt strikes. Strike Debt Bay Area has been instrumental in saving the Berkeley Post Office, has worked with the City of Oakland towards divestment from the big banks, and is working on growing the nation’s only people-centered non-profit payday lending and check cashing operation. Please check these pages for updates on these efforts.

To contact Strike Debt Bay Area, email To connect with Strike Debt Portland, email If you’d like to start a Strike Debt group in your area, feel free to contact both of the branches. For more information about the Debt Collective, visit