Appendix A: Sample Letters to Credit Reporting Agencies

This content is slightly modified from Carreon and Associates. See Chapter One for information about credit reporting agencies.

  1. Request for investigation of credit report
  2. Dispute letter to credit bureau
  3. “Intent to sue” letter to credit bureau
  4. Reply to a CRA accusing you of credit repair

Send your letters to the address of the appropriate agency:



P.O. Box 9556

Allen, TX 75013



P.O. Box 740241

Atlanta, GA 30374-0241


TransUnion Consumer Relations

P.O. Box 2000

Chester, PA 19022-2000

1. Request for Investigation of Credit Report

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Experian, Equifax or TransUnion address]


Attn.: Consumer Relations


Consumer Relations Dept.:

I am requesting with this written notice that the following inaccurate items be removed from my credit report. The items are not correct and are causing me financial distress because of their derogatory information. The items are as follows:

  • [Creditor]
  • [Account number]
  • [Rating (e.g., curr was 30, charge off, 90 days, etc.)]
  • [Reason why it should be removed: i.e., not mine, never late, disputed before yet still remains, incorrect information like payment history, date opened or balance owed.]

I understand you are required to notify me of your investigation results within 30 days.

My contact information is as follows:

[Your name, not signed]

DOB: [Date of birth]

SSN: [Social Security number]




[Your name, signed]

2. Dispute Letter to Credit Bureau

Provide any proof you have with this dispute.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Experian, Equifax or TransUnion address]


To whom it may concern:

In reviewing my credit report, I realized there are several inaccurate listings. These accounts are incorrect and several are outdated. The following accounts need to be investigated immediately to reflect my true credit history:

Acct: [-xxxx-xxx:]

This account is listed as being 60 days late. I have never been late on this account.

Acct: [-xxxx-xxx:]

This account is listed as being 30 days late. This account does not belong to me.

Acct: [-xxxx-xxx:]

This account is listed as being 60 days late. The creditor lost my check and agreed to correct the late notation. (Enclosed is a copy of their letter stating such).

Additionally, you are reporting several other accounts as delinquent that are past the seven-year reporting time as allowed under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The following accounts should be deleted immediately:

Acct: [-xxx:] over seven years old

Acct: [-xxx:] over eight years old

Acct: [-xxx:] over seven years and four months old

Please forward an updated copy to me at your earliest convenience with the above noted corrections. My current address is listed above.


[Your signature]

[Your printed name]


3. “Intent to Sue” Letter to Credit Bureau

Send this letter to the CRA if you intend on suing them. You can sue them in your county for damages and subsequently send a copy of that to them, offering to settle or appear. If you sue them, be sure you have a case.

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[Experian, Equifax or TransUnion address]


To Whom It May Concern:

REF: Intent to file suit: violation of the FCRA

I have sent [#] previous letters to you, all by certified mail (copies of receipts enclosed) requesting that you remove inaccurate information from my file and you have failed to do so.

Accordingly, I can show a judge that these accounts are inaccurate and that you violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act by ignoring my requests to investigate the items. My previous letters—all sent certified mail—stated my reasons for an investigation and these reasons were not frivolous in any way.

If this final request does not prompt you to conduct a proper investigation of the accounts in question, and send proof to me of said investigation, I will file a civil suit in [name of your county, state] for damages. I take my credit very seriously and your lack of professionalism and assistance is unacceptable. I am well aware of my rights under the FCRA and intend to pursue them to the maximum.

I anticipate your response.



[Your signature]

[Your printed name]


4. Reply to a CRA Accusing You of Credit Repair


Use this letter to demand that a credit bureau continue to investigate items you have initiated a dispute on. Often a CRA will accuse you of using a credit repair company, which by the way is your right! Here is a letter to put them in their place and to avoid slowing your disputes.

[Your name]

[Your address]

[Experian, Equifax or TransUnion address]


To whom it may concern:

RE: Credit Repair Accusation

Please be advised that I have received your computer generated letter stating that you have ceased investigation of my credit reports because, in your opinion, you believe that I have used a third party credit repair agency. Not only do I believe this to be a stall tactic on your part to grant you an additional 30 days to comply with my original request, but I believe it to be a blatant violation of the FCRA.

You were advised by me on [insert date] by certified mail (copy enclosed) that I questioned the accuracy of a few items on my credit reports. That request was written by me and mailed by me—not a third party agency. It appears obvious to me that you are abusing your power under the FCRA to escape a complete investigation.

Additionally there is no law that states a consumer cannot use a third party, so using that as your excuse is a moot point. As a matter of fact, Congress has found the whole process so overwhelming that they afford consumers the right to use a third party on their behalf if the consumer so chooses. This is why your statement is so outrageous.

I reserve the right to sue your credit bureau for violations of the FCRA and I believe I can prove that you did not use reasonable measures to insure the accuracy of my credit reports and now you are stalling the process further.

Please take notice that this letter dated [insert today’s date] is formal notice to you that I am requesting that you continue forward with my original investigation request and send the results to me within 15 days. I therefore legally and lawfully refuse your “form letter,” thus giving you only 15 days, not 30 more.

I am outraged at your accusation and I have fully researched my rights in regards to my credit file. I look forward to your expediting my original request immediately.



[Your signature]

[Your printed name]